Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3 Quick Tricks To Slash Holiday Party Calories

The holiday spirit is on full force here!

How about you?

Now that our tree is up and "The List" has been made, it is time to prep for a very special holiday season.

Surviving Holiday Parties Without the Extra Pounds is of utmost concern!

"What concerns me the most is that most our our holiday
parties are potluck or hosted, so we pretty much have no
control over what they will serve. If they are serving unhealthy
food, and we don't partake of it, they would feel offended."

~ April S.

While I have 3 quick holiday party calorie control tips to share below, I just want to put this idea out there... one night of holiday indulgence will NOT cause you to gain/regain holiday pounds.

Rather, it is how you are choosing to eat leading Up To and After these festive events that has an impact on your weight.

As April mentioned above - feeling as if there is no control over what will be served - doesn't matter. For you DO have control the other 5-6 days/nights of the week!

There is no need to dread the unknown of what will be served nor worrying about hurting someone else's feelings when you put a little planning and effort into your overall nutrition plan.

Okay...now on to the

3 Quick Tricks To Slash Holiday Party Calories

Trick #1

Drink a Holiday Smoothie

You already know that it is dangerous to arrive at a holiday feast hungry, so head off the urge to over- indulge by having a low calorie smoothie before you head out the door. Feel satisfied in more ways than one - not only will the actual smoothie help fill you up on less calories, but make a holiday flavored one and head off cravings for sweets!

Need Holiday Smoothie Recipes? I have a few on my blog: www.VPTBlog.com

Here's one

Ginger Bread Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk or Skim milk

1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder Powder
1/2 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1 sprinkle ground cloves
1- 6oz. cup greek yogurt -vanilla
4 ice cubes
Blend using Magic Bullet or Blender.

Makes 1 serving

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 337
Protein: 49 grams
Carbs: 22 grams
Fat: 5 grams

Trick #2
Keep Your Hands Full

When you place OTHER items in your hands you are less likely to be grabbing up and snacking on food.

Consider holding your clutch in one hand and your camera in the other.

Keeping your hands busy in NON-Food related ways will keep the calories under control

Trick #3
Spoon Size It

Rather than get a full serving of everything on the holiday buffet, stick to a spoon size of each. Then you have the option of going back up and getting a 2nd helping of just your favorites.

the holiday events are about to begin - so have these 3 Tricks in place and see what a difference they make to your enjoyment of the season

withOUT the added pounds!

More Holiday Survival tips coming all next week!

Watch your Inbox and as always - let me know if there is a topic you would like me to address!

Your Friend and Coach,

Marty Ozaeta
Velocity Performance Training

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