Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 Minute Warning

Wow! The year is nearly over. Don't miss this month's feature article, Two-Minute Warning. It's just the right message for all of us to hear with only three weeks left before the ball drops and we welcome 2011

As we near the finish line, I want to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season.
Two Minute Warning

I will remember this year forever. Back in January, I planned for 2010 to be a year of IMPACT and boy, oh boy, what a wonderful journey it has been. Two weeks ago, I sat down for Thanksgiving dinner. Surrounded by my family, I bowed my head to give thanks for the many blessings in life. A part of me wanted to dig in to my favorite meal of the year with a sigh of relief and say, "Wow, what a year it has been--we made it through 2010! But the larger part of me knew better. When December 1st arrives on the calendar, it's like hearing the two-minute warning on a football field. And the two-minute warning is just another way of saying, don't leave your seats folks... anything could happen!

My friend, the two-minute warning has been sounded for 2010. With 19 days left on the calendar, the end is clearly in sight. Now's the time to focus and finish strong!

As Dan Green, author of Finish Strong and founder of Simple Truths, has said, "When you combine 'Finish' with 'Strong' you create a powerful platform for action. I have a few favorite stories from Dan's little book and one of them is about a young man named Miles Levin. As a teenager, Miles became a leader among men. He delivered eloquence where others are speechless. Found grace where others live in despair. Miles battled cancer for two years before he lost his battle. But before he died he inspired thousands of people through his writing. Here's an excerpt from Miles' blog:

I went to the driving range the other day and I was thinking... you start out with a big bucket of golf balls and you just start hitting away carelessly. You have dozens of them, each individual ball means nothing to you... [later] with just a handful left, each swing becomes more meaningful. The right technique becomes crucial... There's a strong need to end on a good note... getting it right at the end means a lot... This is my final shot, I want to crush this with perfection; I must make this count. Limited quantities or limited time brings a new, precious value and significance to anything you do. Live every day shooting as if it's your last shot.

How many balls are left in this year's bucket? Just a few, I imagine. Maybe each of us could carry a little of Miles' spirit with us through to the end of 2010. I know I've been thinking of a few different things that I'm going to focus on in the remaining weeks of the year. I think they may apply to you also. So tee up the last of 2010 and give it all you've got.

Set daily and weekly goals. Why wait until January 1st to get started on your fitness routine? Why wait to start eating better? Why wait to get a massage? Why delay feeling better about yourself? One of the life coaches I work with, talks about having a "Big 5." You should have a "Big 5" for your week and a "Big 5" for your day. What are the 5 big things you MUST do this week to make it a successful week and what are the 5 most important things you can do today to make it a winning day? You know what they say about goals... The most important part is setting them.

Journal. The process of writing creates clarity. It's that simple. Recently, I returned to my much-loved habit of journaling. It's amazing the clarity of mind I get from simply writing down my thoughts. No typing - I'm talking about investing in an actual journal or notebook and picking up a pen. What am I grateful for? What are my intentions for the day? What is my energy going to be like today? What went well today? What didn't go well today? What lessons did I learn today? As little as ten minutes a day can make a profound difference in energy, mood, and awareness.

Remember the reason for the season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza or another, this season is a "holy" time. In the midst of all the commercialization, let's remember some basic tenets. Live with civility. Treat people well. Forget about "getting." Focus on "giving." Welcome friends into your home. Enjoy family traditions. Start new ones. Smile more. Laugh more. Love more now than ever.

Finish strong. What if your entire year was determined by the last three weeks? Most of the population cruises into the end of the year in "survival mode." Say no to cruise control and finish the year strong. It's a decision - a decision to put your foot on the accelerator and go full speed ahead. High achievers never stop early. Runners increase speed near the finish line. Quarterbacks turn on laser-like focus in the last two-minutes. Coaches work from a different playbook. What would your strong finish look like? Right now, December 12th, make the decision to finish strong. You've got just a few balls left in the 2010 bucket. Make each one count.

Near the end, Miles Levin wrote these words: "Dying is not what scares me. It's dying having no impact." My friend, there is much to celebrate in these last three weeks of the year. Celebrate you. Celebrate health. Celebrate love. Celebrate life. Don't wait for the new bucket in 2011. Finish strong in 2010. Go for gold. Go for IMPACT.

Peace and Love,

Marty Ozaeta
Velocity Performance Training

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