Thursday, May 20, 2010

Personal Note - The Attitude You Must Have

Last Friday I was walking around in Monterey,

eventually passing by the office where I worked for 3 summers in college.

And my mom was able to get me a job there because she worked there in the office.

Fortunately, I only spent one summer in the office, and the other two I worked cutting the lawn and landscaping grounds. Yep, I spent a lot of hours using the weed trimmer, riding the mower, weeding gardens, and cutting down trees.

Now while I was outside sun weed-whacking (not that there's anything wrong with that), my mom was inside worrying about me - and getting more worried each year.

You see, I was in this "Kinesiology" program in College, and she was worried I wasn't going to get a good job when I finished school.

After all, she thought, what does a "Kinesiology" person do?

And to make matters worse, one day she came home and said in herworryingly motherly tone, "They just hired a young guy to work in the office and he has one of those Kinesiology degrees."

"So what are you going to do when you're done? Are you going to end up working there too and wasting all this money on school?",she asked.

I heard her, but I wasn't listening. Frankly, when she said that, she may as well have been speaking Chinese.


Because I wasn't worried at all. I knew things would work out fine.

Heck, since the age of 5 years old I KNEW that I was going to succeed something special. I just knew it...all the way back in 1986.

Now that "5 year old's revelation" is another story for another email, but trust me, there was no doubt in my mind at any time, especially during my college years, that I was going to be spending the rest of

my life taking the word of my methods to the masses.

In fact, I remember at around the age of 21 telling one of my good friends Jason about how I was going to write a book and show the world the RIGHT way to eat and exercise for fat loss.

I KNEW it back then just as well as I know it now.

There was NO DOUBT. Never.

I had complete and total confidence in myself. So no matter how worried my mom was about my future, I already knew it was going to turn out amazing.

Now let me pause here and clear something up...

I'm not trying to sound like an arrogant jerk...and there really is a very, VERY valuable lesson in this mindset that relates to your fat loss success.

You see, you MUST have this same attitude when it comes to fat loss. There can be NO doubt in your mind that you are going to transform your body.

As author Dave Kekich says in his Kekich Credo #76:

"I will do this" is the only attitude that works. "I'll try" or "I think" doesn't work.

Of course, you might be more familiar with this version of that quote...

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" by Jedi Master Yoda.

Seriously, when I look at any successful person, whether in business, at school, in fat loss, or even when I look at my friends who are the most successful with the ladies, it call comes down to the right attitude and confidence.

If you don't have it, you CAN NOT fake it till you make it.

You must sincerely BELIEVE IN YOURSELF if you are going to transform your body, lose fat, and get lean. You must.

That's the attitude you must have.

And until you truly believe in yourself, you will struggle.

But that's also why you have to keep trying, building up your confidence with every new program you attempt.

It might not happen overnight or on the first try, but you can never,ever, EVER give up.

To finish, I want to share with you a quote I got from my friend Amy,and her favorite author:

"But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for." - Paulo Coelho

I know that you'll keep fighting because that's the type of person that you are...and I'm proud of you for that.

And when you have that "never give up attitude" and when you decide that you'll never quit, that is when you will build the belief in yourself that will give you the confidence to succeed.

I know you can and WILL do it.

Looking forward to your success,

Marty Ozaeta
Velocity Performance Training
PS - This weekend...

...I'm hoping the weather stays nice so I can relax outside - since it is our long weekend here in Monterey.

Then next weekend I'm off to San Diego for some adventures and to
finish up VPT Bodyweight Bodybuilding 2.0 for VPT Members.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Its great to read about your family experiences, and how successful you have become thanks to your positive personality in life:) Have a great weekend

    -Lily D.

  2. Learning what is "weighting you down" emotionally is also key. Sometimes unconscious thoughts block the path to personal success. Keeping that conscious determination to going forward and conviction to venture back inside and take care of the inner self creates long lasting change. I applaud you and your ability to keep your mother's fears from impacting and impeding you on your path! I sing in this choir the mind has great influence over the body and teaching people how to tap into their subconscious mind will add fuel to your radiating fire..Stephanie Alt, MS

  3. GREAT READ! Thank you! One of my biggest replies to people when I doubt my physical accomplishements (or lack there of) is "I'm yet to see myself in that kind of shape so at this point it's hard to stay motivated not knowing if it's even possible." I haven't given up though. I've weaned out the less useful and heading down the road again.

    -Erin T.

  4. Man that was a great message, and just wanted to say thanks.

    -Matthew Scholink
