Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Truth About Abs

Abs. Everyone has them. YES, even you.

No matter what level of 'insulation' you have over your
six-pack, I guarantee your abs are under there.

But NO amount of crunching will bring them to the surface.

Yesterday, I watched three nice folks waste almost an hour in heir workouts at the gym.

These folks did endless sit-ups, and then diagonal sit-ups, and then the ab crunch machine, and then floor crunches of all kinds.

It was really sad.

You know why?
Because NONE of those ab exercises work!

And here's the truth...

They've had abs before...just like YOU have...back when
you were slim in college or high school.

But tell me, how many sit-ups and crunches did you do then?

NONE, of course.

Of course, you didn't do any 'planking' or 'stability ball rollouts' back then either.
No ab exercise is magic.
But you were active. Moving. Doing interval training while
playing sports or helping out around the house with yardwork.
It's those TOTAL-body moves that make a big difference in
helping you lose belly fat and get flat, sexy abs.
And of course, your metabolism allowed you to eat whatever
you wanted. So here's how you re-create your youthful abs...
What works for getting abs is this, and this alone:

The combination of metabolic resistance training and
fat loss nutrition. Add my unique total-body ab exercises
to the mix and you'll have a flat stomach and six-pack abs.
That's the Final Word on Six Pack Abs.
Turn Back The Clock Today and give me a call,
Marty Ozaeta
Velocity Performance Training

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