Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why Green Smoothies Rock

There is an easy, delicious and super energizing way to
Get Your Greens and add to the Power of 10!

One of the fastest and most effective calorie control strategies for fat loss is to eat 10 servings of Produce each day.

Of your produce choices ~ GREENS ~ calorie for calorie, are one of the most nutrient-dense food groups you can eat.

Benefits of Greens

1. Super Low Calorie
Because they are so low in calories, they are ideal for fat loss and weight management. The more you eat the more you lose!

2. Nutritional Superstars
Green vegetables are all very high in iron, folic acid, fiber, magnesium, bioflavenoids, carotenoids and Vitamins A, C, E and K. Plus there is an abundance of anti-oxidants, protecting us from free radical damage.

3. Enzymes

When eaten fresh Greens are also a good source of enzymes. Enzymes will boost your metabolism and ensure a healthy digestive system.

Fresh is KEY

When shooting for the power of 10, make it easy on yourself my start small.
Focus on getting at least one serving of Greens – you can do 1 serving it is only 1 cup. Which means you can easily boost your total number of servings of greens by getting in 2 – 3 cups or more!

(Interesting how the USDA Food Pyramid recommends adults should consume about 3 cups of dark green vegetables per week!)

Eat more greens -> stay satisfied -> stay energized -> stick to it
= amazing results!

An easy solution….RIGHT? Well…

Due to our busy lifestyles, sometimes taking the time to prepare and munch down a big old salad every day is just not possible.

Which brings me to the Green Smoothie Solution!

Green Smoothies?

Yes – these are simply smoothies that are made with fresh organic greens blended in to them with a a fruit or two and a couple other tasty ingredients.

Green smoothies provide a concentrated amount of fresh greens in quick and convenient drink. Plus blending greens and fruits together breaks down the cells of these plants which improves digestibility and makes it easier for your body to assimilate.

What Exactly Are Greens?

“Greens” are Leafy greens, the green leaves of edible plants. Some of these leafy greens are grown specifically for the leaf itself like lettuce, spinach, kale and parsley. While found as the green leafy tops of root vegetables like carrots greens, beets and turnips.

The Most Popular Greens For Smoothies

- Baby Spinach
- Kale
- Collard greens
- Mustard greens
- Dandelion greens
- Turnip greens
- Beat greens
- Parsley
- Arugula
- Romaine lettuce

Benefits Of Green Smoothies

This is what you can expect if you drink just one smoothie a day.

1. Increased Energy

Powerful boost of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients without bogging down your digestive system. Drinking your greens in the most optimum form for your digestibility and nutrient absorption leaves you feeling more energized.

2. Mental Clarity and Focus
With a healthier foods come greater mental clarity, focus, alertness and the ability to better handle stress and reduce anxiety.

3. Increased Fiber Intake
While juicing can also give you a powerful punch, it just cannot give you the whole fruit and vegetable like green smoothies can. Fiber is essential for good colon health and keeps you regular.

4. Clearer Skin
High in fiber which allows your body to eliminate toxins the right way instead of through your skin. Plus you are getting that concentrated source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fight the aging process!

5. Reduced Cravings
Easily fight those cravings for junk foods, unhealthy sweets, salt and fats. When your body receives adequate nutrition, you no longer feel hungry from a lack of nutrients in the typical, dead processed food. You will find that after a couple short weeks of drinking green smoothies, you will crave healthier foods such as fruits, vegetables and greens.

6. Rich With Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is like the blood of the vegetable which natural health experts state enhances the immune system, purifies the blood and rejuvenates the body.

7. Alkalizing
Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods and many natural health experts claim that consuming these foods helps maintain a proper alkaline balance in the body. Cancer does not grow in an alkaline body. In fact, most disease grows in an acid environment.

~ Bonus Benefits ~

Green Smoothies are EASY to MAKE and are a Natural Source of Fat Loss

How To Make A Green Smoothie

You will need…

- A Good Blender

- Liquid
You can keep it simple and just use filtered water or you can add coconut water/milk, almond milk. Just choose liquids that are natural – not overly processed (yes, like cows milk and commercial soy milk products). The goal of a green smoothies is to keep it whole and natural.

- Choice of Greens
Baby spinach is an easy green to start off using.
- Fruit
Use Fresh or Frozen. For great flavor be sure your fresh fruit is very ripe. I prefer to use frozen fruit for it’s easy and I prefer the way frozen fruits blend up into an icier version of the smoothie.

- Protein source
I prefer a whey protein powder if I have the shake after a workout

- Extras

You can add other fun ingredients to add to the nutritional power of your smoothie and/or for taste. Just be sure to keep track of portions and how they add to the total calorie count. Ground flaxseed, cinnamon, ginger, herbs (rosemary, mint, basil, parsley), coconut oil, etc.

How To Use A Green Smoothie

Green Smoothies are a meal on their own ~ which is why I always add a source of protein.

If I have one for breakfast or to replace a meal, I am sure to make one up that is about 350 -400 calories with at least 2 servings of greens and 1 serving of fruit. If it is just for a snack, my green smoothie may be around 200-250 calories.

It is best to have alone as a meal/snack rather than with a whole food meal this way you ensure that your body will have an easy time digesting them and get the maximum nutritional value.

And because they are so easy to digest, you may find that you have more energy afterward than if you ate a heavy meal because your body doesn’t have to expend as much energy digesting.

Easy Green Smoothie Recipe for Newbies

1 cup water
2 cups spinach
1 banana

Adjust portions as needed.

Add ice if you like a frozen smoothie blend.

My favorite Green Smoothie is a 2 cups baby spinach, 1 cup kale, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup frozen cherries and a heaping scoop of strawberry whey protein.

~ Have Fun Creating your own Favorites ~

Be ready to see what a positive difference Green Smoothies make for YOU!

What is Your Favorite Green Smoothie?

Your Friend & Coach,

Marty Ozaeta
Velocity Performance Training


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