Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do You Crave Sugar?

I crave sugar!

Top 2 Reasons you Crave Sugar
1. Sugar Cravings exist out of Habit
You must have satisfied this craving in the past – following a meal with something sweet. Then suddenly it becomes a part of your mindset. After every meal must come dessert. The good news is ALL Habits are learned, so this habit cam be unlearned as the result of practice and repetition.

2. Sugar Cravings exist because you EAT Sugar

If you eat simple, refined carbohydrates or high sugar foods everyday, your body will remain in “crave” mode.

Why Sugar Is So Addicting?

Sugar takes your Hormones for a Roller Coaster Ride. Take a peek at what is happening inside your body when you choose to foods high in refined sugar.

Eating simple sugars causes a spike in your blood sugar for these foods are quickly absorbed into the blood stream.

This in turn gives you the temporary sugar high ~ it feels good…however, your body does not like this imbalance and a series of hormonal responses take place.

** Insulin Increases
Your body produces an increased amount of the Insulin – a storage hormone. Insulin’s job is to remove excess sugar from the bloodstream and store it in the muscles and in the liver.

** Glucagon Goes Away
In order to facilitate this rush of insulin, glucagon – a release hormone…responsible for releasing More Fat…good right? NOT when you eat too much sugar. This helpful fat loss hormone is diminished.

What does this hormone game mean to you?

High insulin levels increase fat formation and storage, while inhibiting fat breakdown to be used as energy.

Each time you consume simple sugars and refined carbohydrates, you are doing nothing more than locking in fat.

But wait…the ride doesn’t stop there…

The Crash

About 30-45 minutes after the sugar rush, you wind up with residual low blood sugar….your blood sugar levels hit bottom. You Crash!

This rapid drop in blood glucose levels starves the brain of its primary fuel and you experience symptoms such as:

* Energy slumps during the day – especially in the afternoon

* Cravings for sweets
* Cravings for stimulants (tea, coffee, cigarettes)
* Irritability of mood swings
* Poor concentration or fuzzy thinking

Your body reacts once again for at this point your energy level bottoms out, you have trouble thinking clearly and you end up with cravings.

You will inevitably crave sweets as these foods will raise blood sugar the quickest, getting you out of your slump.

The blood sugar High/Low cycle repeats – again and again and again…just like getting on an endless hormonal roller coaster ride.

This is what is happening inside your body every time you eat sweets, simple sugars, refined carbohydrates.

The only logical way to stop the cravings… to get off the ride!

What Is Your Sweet Craving?

How Often Do You Give In?

Your Friend & Coach,

Marty Ozaeta
Author, Velocity Performance Training For Fat Loss

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