Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 10 Commandments of Nutrition

Everyone has an opinion when it comes to nutrition. What you should be eating, what you should avoid, how many meals you should be eating, whatever. But when it comes to the 10 Commandments, there is no room for discussion. You can follow whomever’s advice when it comes to what you should be eating and when, but you need to follow these commandments if you want to get serious about your nutrition.

# 1: Get your motor started. Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you wake up your body is in a fasting state for approximately 7 to 9 hours. You wouldn’t eat from 9:00am until 5:00pm would you?

#2 : Slow down! We are always in a hurry. When you apply that to food, too many people are shoveling in too much food way too fast. It takes the brain 20 minutes to process how much you have eaten, and when you make your food vanish, your brain doesn’t have time to cut you off and you consume far more food then you need.

#3: Fuel up before training. A high quality workout doesn’t begin with your dynamic warm-up. The process starts with your pre-workout meal. This is the first step to getting your body right so it can perform at optimal levels.

#4: Refuel after training. Your body isn’t built in the gym. You actually break muscles down during a workout. Afterward, muscles become sponge like and want to soak up nutrients so they can rebuild themselves strong and leaner while you rest.

#5: Go wild! Our ancestors had the right idea: fresh food is better. I’ve never seen an obese person who got fat because they ate too much fruit, salad, and fish. Eat fresh and wild and you will be eating better!

#6: Remember that supplements are just that – supplements! A lot of people are looking for a magic pill to change their bodies. Sorry, folks, the world doesn’t work like that.

#7: Water your body. Out bodies are about 70% water, meaning we need to hydrate as often as possible. In other words, drink more water. About half your body weight in fluid ounces daily is the easy rule to follow.

#8: Keep a nutrition journal. Research shows that we lie to ourselves. A nutrition journal can be crucial to improve your life. You will find out that you will be in more control of what you eat and start to become accountable to you.

#9: Follow the 90-10 Rule. If you eat the right foods 90% of the time, you are going to be world class and achieve your goals. The other 10% allow yourself to sample foods you love, just don’t get out of control.

#10: Experiment with the VPT menu. The VPT nutrition menu is a no stress approach what allows you to experiment and enjoy a variety of foods from carbs, proteins, and fasts. I promise you you’ll never eat better.

Peace, Love & Health,

Marty Ozaeta
Velocity Performance Training

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